Well I’m embracing my new life at my job and taking advantage of the gym. So I finally decided to Spin .. everyone raves about it and it looks like it’s not going anywhere so why not??? Hmm better would ‘what the hell was I thinking of’???? I swear I now think that hell isn’t cold but instead an never ending spin class. I walked in the room and I thought .. hmm I can do this. It’s just bikes how hard can it be??? Well first of all the seats feel like rocks .. very very very tiny rocks all up IN my crevices (OUCH). After class started I remembered something really important I’ve ridden a bike so was a little worried about tipping over. Happily that never happened but a hour class wrecked havoc on me. I signed up for a month of classes twice a week and am hoping that I’ll be able to go back and not get too scared. Happily a co-worker is in the class so am too shamed to not go back! bwa ha ha
Urghh my fantasy of being able to say ‘body by spinclass’ has been dashed but am thinking barre might be more my style.
What’s your favorite workout???