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Meet me at the Rick and Morty Rickstaverse

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I have to say that I LOVE Rick and Morty so have been waiting for Double-tap and give Ruben a high five. But make sure to immediately wash your hands afterward. Smart phone screens are disgusting.the second season. Happily Adult Swim is giving us a bone till the July 26th season premier with the Rick and Morty Rickstaverse on Instagram. Rick will give a 25 Schmeckles for a boob job seems like a pretty good deal. Hell, it beats going to South America.walkthrough here for hardcore fans or even people curious about what the buz is about (hint hint it’s HILARIOUS).

So make sure you catch up on the first season and get ready for Rick and Morty this Sunday, July 26th at 11:30 p.m. ET/PT. the network This is still the Fantasy Planet. I know the tag is in a different place but it'll take you to the same level. Don't ask questions, it's science.launched today a new, first-of-its-kind game on Instagram to take fans even deeper into the show’s ever expanding universe. Any fan HAS to visit the RickandMortyRickstaverse within Instagram.

Am very excited that Adult Swim partnered with Carrot Creative to use Instagram’s photo tagging feature to create a fully connected universe, letting fans explore their favorite planets, dimensions, and landmarks from the series. The Rick and Morty Rickstaverse features 25 different levels to explore, stuffed full of fan-favorite characters, Easter eggs, mini-comics, interactive collectibles, and exclusive content from season two.

Oh dang, is that a fight breaking out in the Thirsty Step? Tap-to-scan and let's check it out!

By tapping once on individual photos, fans can discover tags, which act as portals to different worlds and collectibles. The experience takes advantage of Instagram’s new HD upload standard, with every level, image and video in beautiful 1080p HD quality.  Returning this summer on Adult Swim, Rick and Morty are back with more sci-fi adventures and family squabbles! Can the family survive Rick’s insanity and all the chaos the universe throws at them? Learn this ins with season premier.

Created and executive produced by Dan Harmon (Community) and Roiland (Adventure Time), season two of Rick and Morty premieres this Sunday, July 26th at 11:30pm E/P on Adult Swim.

About Author

I live in Los Angeles and am a professional in the new media communication and marketing field with experience in non-profit, education, healthcare, political campaign and volunteer management. I’m a trustworthy honest creative professional that is able to offer strategic counseling on marketing & communications using social media. In my spare time I enjoy cultural events, going to the movies, being a foodie, getting in shape and dating.

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