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Maybe my type is wrong for me?

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Hmmm like a lot of people I’m looking for love.  I’m pretty flexible on my physical type but am very firm on education, temperament, sense of ‘adventure’, ability to have fun and well having a personality!  As I’ve dated all through my 20s, 30s and am now in the dreaded 40s .. duh duh duh (sound of heavy piano playing) I’ve found that well the men are at extremes.  I live in LA so of course a huge segment of the population believes that they should be dating super models young enough to be their daughters .. well let’s be honest their GRANDDAUGHTERS which is their business I really don’t care since I’m just looking for a good man that is the lid to my teapot.  But DAMN it’s hard to meet a man my age that hasn’t been beaten down by life, is very casual about his being a functional alcoholic, is all about some sort of drug (viagra to ‘snow’ to pot it seems to take over some men’s lives) and of course the Peter Pans who refuse to grow up.

I usually avoid men like that but at times they mask their natures which is why I get to know someone before giving out my personal info it makes it that much easier to cut them loose when they go crazy.  Like an older man I went on ONE date who demanded that I keep in contact with him, refused to believe that I didn’t want to go out with him again and tried to ‘guilt’ me into a second date.  No means no means stop calling me!  It’s why I’m totally psyched about this new Burner app so that you can give out a temp number to people before giving them all your contact info so that it’s a little harder to google stalk me!

I really believe that my expectations in a man are reasonable.  I want someone in their late 30s to early 50s, professional/college education, intellectually curious, attractive, non smoker, nice, a bit of a geek/sci fi fan and who will like me ‘just as I am’.  Obviously I LOVE Bridget Jones Diary in case you missed the reference.  I’m just looking for someone like ‘you’ who is my match, compliments my personality, gets my weird humor, loves geeky life as much as me and at times it’s frustrating that I haven’t met him.  I had HIGH hopes this year for San Diego Comic Con but I worked it so didn’t get a chance to meet anyone other than actors so … hmm that didn’t happen!  tee hee but the eye candy was quite intoxicating!

Now I’m not giving up on finding my man since I have been working on becoming the woman to attract him with eating healthy, getting in shape, having my heart open to love/possibility of romance, making it my year of ‘yes’ and generally working on me.   So now all I have to do is find a man who appreciates ‘all this’ and lives in LA.  Well lives somewhere on earth maybe my perfect man my type my Prince Charming lives in a different city, state or heck even country.  I might have to take this love journey on the road if he doesn’t turn up soon!

About Author

I live in Los Angeles and am a professional in the new media communication and marketing field with experience in non-profit, education, healthcare, political campaign and volunteer management. I’m a trustworthy honest creative professional that is able to offer strategic counseling on marketing & communications using social media. In my spare time I enjoy cultural events, going to the movies, being a foodie, getting in shape and dating.

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