If you’re a person with natural hair, there’s a good chance you follow a ton of natural hair bloggers and pages on Instagram. Don’t try to deny it either because I follow a couple that basically flood my timeline. I had the opportunity to volunteer for the Living No Lye Tour this past Sunday during its L.A. stop. The Living No Lye Tour is a natural hair expo with speakers, interactive workshops, styling demos, and swag bags filled with different products. It was created by Constance Cash who is also the founder of Team Natural. The expo aims to inform naturals on different ways to take care of their hair, but also create a community among naturals.
As a natural, I found the event informational and a great way to meet other naturals in L.A., especially since I’m still new to the city. Some of the speakers were Sister Scientist, Felicia Leatherwood, and vlogger jfashiongirl87. Definitely follow these people on Instagram and on YouTube for natural hair tips. If you’re a naturalista, you know the importance of products and are possibly a product junkie. Attendees of the expo each got a swag bag with their admission. I got a swag bag and I have products for day. When I say I have products for days, I really mean I have products for months! Lawd knows I needed some deep conditioner, a co-wash, and a moisturizing shampoo. I’m definitely set for the next few months. Follow @livingnolye and @teamnatural on Instagram for other tour locations and to get great styling and product tips. You’ll be glad you did. The natural hair pictures will give you so much life!
Check out some pictures from the event!
Photos Courtesy of: @teamnatural