“Star Trek is an iconic pop culture phenomena whose storylines pushed gender and racial boundaries. For its 50th anniversary, we celebrate each of Star Trek’s powerful women in a transcending, transformational makeup collection.” – James Gager, M∙A∙C Senior Vice President/Group Creative Director

You know I had to rep my beloved Spock aka Leonard
Nimoy with the announcement of the latest Geek MAC Collection! 
I’m so excited that part of the 50th anniversary is new makeup line celebrating Star Trek and the Prime Directive. Any Trekkie worth their salt is salivating over the collection that embraces all Star Trek from the Uhura to Seven of Nine (Borg) and all
the beauty in between of all colors. I’m of course talking about the Orion Slave Girl (the green chick) in the original series who popped up in the movie sassy, funny and sexy as hell!
The 25 piece collection includes lipstick, lipglass, pressed
pigment eyeshadow and studio nail lacquer that will incorporate the Star Fleet insignia and 50th (time passes so quick with my geek love Star Trek). This exclusive collection will be available
September 2016 but if your attending San Diego Comic Con or are in the area they will have an EXCLUSIVE PRESALE M∙A∙C Gaslamp, Thursday, July 21st (while supplies last). This will be one hot collection for makeup and geek fans so it will be beam off the shelf (tee tee a little Star Trek humor) and displayed! I know I’ll be in line to pick up a set and will be on the lookout for my own sexy cosplay Spock guy to test out my new lipglass dressed as Uhura (the original or new movies .. tough choice). Will you buy one set or all 25 pieces? Leave a note below and tell me which one you plan to choose!
I wish I could have all of them 🙁