The cast of the new DC Universe Animated Movie Green Lantern:Beware My Power were on hand at Comic-Con International in San Diego to premiere the film to an audience in Ballroom 20 in advance of this week’s debut on Blu-ray, 4K, and Digital. Before the premiere, they stopped by to chat with Cherry the Geek TV. We will be presenting the interviews all week.
Today we present Jimmi Simpson, who plays Green Arrow in the film. Simpson is best known to audiences Liam McPoyle in FX‘s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, as well as his work as William in Westworld, and his more recent roles in The Man Who Fell to Earth and Pachinko.
“It’s a dream come true,” said Simpson on his role as Green Arrow. “I’ve always loved Green Arrow, but I loved Green Lantern first. He was my first superhero love.” Simpson says Green Arrow is tasked with training the new Green Lantern in the film. You can watch the interview here:
Green Lantern:Beware My Power is now available on Blu-ray, 4K, and Digital from Warner Brothers Home Entertainment.