Image via Wikipedia I was asked to be a Brand Ambassador to create my own song a few weeks ago from a website that a friend (I met at GoldStar Tedx in Los Angeles) told me about called your personal song. It’s super easy process and not that expensive to get a personalized song in a variety genres from Pop to Country. I choose Pop music with a couple of words that mean a lot to me. Sci Fi Geekette (hard word I know), Laugh, Nice, Good Friend, Cherry (my name so self centered! lol), shopping, Star Wars, Comic Con (tee hee), Witty and Intelligent. They did a great job of getting ‘me’ and writing something really personal. I’ve decided it’s going to be my theme so on my site once I figure out to add it!
Check out my Cherry song that I had them write/sing. It’s kind of cool to have my own song and am so happy with it! It’s so fun, zany and quirky so it fits me to a capital T!