It’s been a while since I saw a movie and decided to go to see the new animated film Big Hero 6 at the Arclight. Imagine my surprise that it’s not at Arclight Hollywood (boo) so looked at the schedule and thought what the heck I don’t mind looking at Matthew McConaughey for three hours (mmm still too handsome for words). Now I have to say that I appreciate the directing talents of Christopher Nolan but he’s never been on my list of directors that I’ll see all their movies. I’ve always found his movies to be a bit pretentious and always a little too long (does he NOT have an
editor???). I went in with so-so expectations after reading reviews and the amusing twitter war that Neil deGrasse Tyson had with scientific flaws the film had.
Well it’s not an awful movie, it’s just way too long, has a FU ending and suffers from the usual what happened to all the colored people (was there a race war that left most of the people of color dead other than the 2 scientists too smart to leave behind) in the future. I think that what threw me for a loop was that it’s deliberate pace didn’t really engage me. I did find the subject interesting but despite having a long film they didn’t really explore or give me the emotional connection I was looking for in a film about the end of Earth and the death of humanity. Instead it went off on a little bit of a love story (not needed), a LOT of daddy issues and dropped the ball on humanities place on the cosmos. Like most Nolan movies it’s visually a good looking movie but just never connected emotionally with me. I’m not saying ‘die humanity die’ but I didn’t care about anyone so for the last 20 minutes all I could think of was going to the restroom!
I probably would have liked the film more if they had focused on the exploration and how a lack of human connection can drive someone to ignore right and wrong but instead it was just a bit of a jumbled movie that jumped around too much for me to enjoy.
I can’t really recommend the movie unless you love Matthew (he’s front and center) and don’t mind a movie that’s mostly talk that gets distracted and drops plot lines (left and right!) but it’s not the WORSE movie I’ve seen!