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I’m still missing DC Nation on Cartoon Network

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Do you remember as a child getting up bright and early to watch your favorite saturday morning shows as your parent’s were still in bed? I was a pretty socially inept kid so my favorite playmates were on TV that I watched with my favorite cereal (spoon sized shredded wheat with ice cold WHOLE milk! yummy). As I got older my geek friends morphed into comic books and (yes) my own comic book guy near my high school that I’d get my weekly fix. That was when I discovered my favorite comics and not hand me downs from my geek dad (he LOVED Conan and Vamparilla .. not really appropriate for a kid). Once I was able to buy my own my collection consisted of mutants and superheroes who populated my imagination with tales of derring do! I often imagined I was the star of my comic books with super powers that allowed me to fly, have the power of the sun and no matter what (in my mind) the characters always morphed into a kick ass black chick.

So I must admit to my crazy joy a few years ago when Cartoon Network became DC Nation for a few hours on Saturdays. I never loved Green Lantern since it was slow going at first but towards the end of it’s run they’d finally gotten a great storyline and a good villain that was the right amount of evil and well evil!

Now I never grew up loving Thundercats (that was my sister’s show) since I thought it was boring as dishwater and I’m not a cat person. But the reboot was pretty fun and once Mumra got his evil groove on the show was fun. Really I watched it for the evil doers since often they are just fun as heck.

What I really miss about DC Nations was the Young Justice League. It was a great mix of familiar characters and expanding on characters that had smaller parts back in the days when I was still reading comic books. The show had so many great characters and storylines .. well really the story arcs kept me tuning in every week. The interplay between the young adult super heroes in training as they grew into adults who at times wanted to break away from their ordained paths so related to my journey of adult independence (not that I’m totally a grownup still!) who is still trying to figure myself out. It’s been off for two years now and I still miss Young Justice one of the best animated series I’ve ever seen. I’m surprised that DC hasn’t tried to make a live action film with a few of the characters.

I have to say that DC does great TV but they have such a rich catalog of characters that they could use (not just the famous ones) and it’s frustrating that DC AND Marvel does the same thing over and over again. BATMAN BATMAN BATMAN or SUPERMAN SUPERMAN SUPERMAN am a bit bored with them so am not sure if they’ll get my money for the Batman vs Superman crapfest heading to the theaters next year. Urghh Ben freacking Affleck with another superhero movie (remember Daredevil .. my eyes are bleeding) that he’ll destroy with his wooden Ben self. Opps I got off topic ..

DAMMIT BRING BACK DC NATION CARTOON NETWORK or at least YOUNG JUSTICE. You need to fill a huge block of time since Star Wars is now on Disney and you need a new series. So why begin all over again with a new series use YJ as a jump point to bring new comic book characters that non hardcore fans can love as well. Strong females, people of color, LGBT and physically challenged that  fans of all ages can identify with .. that is all.

About Author

I live in Los Angeles and am a professional in the new media communication and marketing field with experience in non-profit, education, healthcare, political campaign and volunteer management. I’m a trustworthy honest creative professional that is able to offer strategic counseling on marketing & communications using social media. In my spare time I enjoy cultural events, going to the movies, being a foodie, getting in shape and dating.

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