Review of Star Trek into Darkness but I won’t be seeing you in the theater four times .. just twice!
I will not lie when I heard that Abrams was rebooting Star Trek I got worried/annoyed and well ready for disappointment especially since the cast didn’t really knock me out of my socks but I always admit when I’m wrong and I was wrong. I LOVED the first Star Trek Jeff did so my expectations were pretty high with the new one especially with the cast addition of Benedict Cumberbatch (who I love NOT just because he’s gorgeous, has a posh British accent, stars in Sherlock .. AND he’s a great actor but mostly because he’s dreamy Brit gorgeous .. tee hee) who could be a villain or hero (he’s a villain).
I give the second film a solid ‘B’ it’s good for hardcore Trekkies (like myself) and easy to understand for those just learning about the Federation. If you want to hear more about my thoughts on the film check out my youtube film review of Star Trek Into Darkness.

Star Trek Into Darkness