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Were you disappointed with HIMYMFinale?

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Well I’m disappointed with the series finale of How I Met Your Mother since it was everything I didn’t expect or want … well I started to feel concerned with the infamous “Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment In Slapmarra” so offensive on many levels.  What I found offensive started with acting as if being Asian is a ‘costume’.  The director’s decision to have the ALL WHITE cast put on makeup to appear Asian AND have accents .  The refusal to cast ASIAN people for the episode (don’t get me started on the lack of diversity for a show in NEW YORK CITY).  The fact that NONE of the cast members brought up this is offensive and acted in the episode (really!!!! WTF I expected the final episode to have Black Face & KKK as a joke).  The episode infuriated me so much I couldn’t watch it but hoped it was an anomaly for the series.  Namely ignoring the diversity of not only NYC but Minnesota not that I can talk since I was a faithful fan (holding head down with shame) and watched it faithfully every week.  Yes I know Barney has a black brother and Robin’s nemesis is Filipino (????) but out of years and years that’s pretty much it other than the blips of POC chips that popped up in (I suspect) fan complaints over the lack of diversity.

Than the annoyance of the Barney & Robin wedding that took up FOUR damn episodes (WTF again) the show is HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER!!!  Not the Wedding from Hell that goes on WAY too long!  Since the producer/writers seemed to have run out of ideas for a few episodes I gave them a pass hoping that the finale would be a big kiss to us loyal fans but alas it was a sucker punch to the gullet.  I just thought the end was mean to Barney, mean to Robin (successful professional woman is of COURSE a spinster) and mean as HELL to the wife.  It made Ted a bit of a douche (five freaking years and two kids but still couldn’t seal the deal????) who pined away for his true love (sort of) but settled for his ‘second’ choice.

Part of the reason I was a fan of the show is that I’m a female Ted.  I’m looking for my true love.  The man who will make my toes curl, who makes me laugh, gets my odd humor, is so smart it’s intimidating, is a major geek and is the perfect person for me (he’s not perfect just perfect for ME).  I’ve been waiting for him all my life and nothing horrifies me more than to think that one day I’d find him and realize that he just ‘settled’ for me since the one he REALLY wanted didn’t want him.  It’s why I watched the show every week (even when it made me mad, wasn’t that funny and went on a little too long) because I wanted … NO expected the happy ending that I want for myself.  I thought it would be worth the wait to live vicariously through a romcom with a somewhat schlubby geeky guy who gets his geeky cute gal.

I know that real life isn’t like the RomComs that I love.  I know in real life that people fall in love with the wrong person, that people would rather be with anyone than be alone and that no matter how nice somebody is they don’t always find love (I worry I’m the poster child for that malady).  But when I watch a silly 30 minute comedy I do want a little happiness and I expect lots of laughter.

Am I the only one who didn’t get the series finale they wanted?  That instead we got the finale the producer/writer wanted that was supposed to be bittersweet but was instead just bitter.   Do you agree?  Please respond with a comment on the finale of How I Met Your Mother.

Geek you later …

About Author

I live in Los Angeles and am a professional in the new media communication and marketing field with experience in non-profit, education, healthcare, political campaign and volunteer management. I’m a trustworthy honest creative professional that is able to offer strategic counseling on marketing & communications using social media. In my spare time I enjoy cultural events, going to the movies, being a foodie, getting in shape and dating.

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