The time has come to send your original designs to the Her Universe Fashion Show. This fashion show celebrates “geek fashion”, and the winner is given the chance to design a fashion collection with Ashley Eckstein, founder of Her Universe, for Hot Topic. Basically, this is a Project Runway event for geeks. There is even a junior design competition for those of you who are under 18 years old. This is a fantastic competition for both men and women of all ages.
Here below are the fabulous winning designs from the 2017 show!
If you are not sewing inclined, this is a great show to come to if you are in the San Diego region. Rolling Stone put it on the list of “25 Best Things We Saw at San Diego Comic Con”, and many popular celebrities attend this event like our favorite Stark sisters, Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams. This is a huge mainstream event covered by popular media sources like Nylon and MTV. As a fashion lover, I consider this the best event to attend, so I would not miss out on it if you are in the area.
As a fellow seamstress myself, I love the opportunity to strut my stuff on the catwalk and show off all of my designs. This year I put together a school wide charity fashion show where I displayed 13 original outfits sewed and designed by me. If I were to compete in this show, I would stay true to my roots and designed a Barbie catwoman esque jumpsuit. Since I enjoy putting on a show, I would come out in my suit flock with an army of chic cats.
You can send admissions here.
For people 18+
For “junior” submissions
Written by Gigi, the Teen Geek
Leave a comment below on if you plan to submit a style idea to the 2018 Her Universe Fashion Show! What geek fandom inspires you and you’d love to see walking the purple runway!