I’m so excited that we are talking about bullying! I was bullied all through childhood and found it so frustrating that nobody would listen to me when I’d tell teachers and adults that it was happening. I really think it’s important to teach kids how to talk to each other, how to defend yourself and others as well as that it’s not OK to bully someone because they look, talk, act or think differently than yourself. Really it’s a lesson a lot of adults need to take to heart!
Anti-Bullying Coalition at San Diego Comic Con International
1st-Ever Anti-Bullying Events in Bloom at San Diego Comic-Con
United Nations Association, Anti-Defamation League, NoH8 Campaign, Cartoon Network’s Stop Bullying: Speak Up, Girl Scouts of America, IBPA & GLSEN Team Up at Pop Culture Mecca
The First Annual Anti-Bullying Red Carpet Mixer & Press Summit at San Diego Comic-Con will take place at Lou & Mickey’s Restaurant on Sunday, July 21 at 10 a.m.
San Diego Comic-Con International is the undisputed center of the pop culture universe, drawing over 200,000 fans and receiving prominent press worldwide. For the first time, anti-bullying is at the heart of the Comic-Con’s entertainment-driven conversations.
The event is expected to garner major celebrity participation and international press. Several non-profits with anti-bullying initiatives, including theUnited Nations Association, the Anti-Defamation League, NoH8 Campaign, Cartoon Network’s Stop Bullying: Speak Up, International Bullying Prevention Association and Girl Scouts of America will participate.
The unprecedented coalition was formed by actress Chase Masterson (Star Trek) and award-winning author Carrie Goldman (Harper Collins’ Bullied: What Every Parent, Teacher, and Kid Needs to Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear, 2012).
“The anti-bullying issue is coming of age,” remarks Masterson, “Everyone can relate to it, and especially with the rash of recent teenage suicides, it’s time for it to stop. We’re uniting pop culture’s favorite stars and media to make a stand along with these top organizations.”
“In our digitalized, media-driven society, pop culture has a constant influence on the way that both children and adults interpret the world. When kids see celebrities take action against bullying, it resonates strongly and sends the message that cruelty is not acceptable,” says Goldman.
“The truth is bullying is not only an issue for the schools and the home. The impact of bullying is one that carries over beyond the school years and affects the behavior of adults and the entire society. It takes a whole community to allow bullying to go on, and it takes a whole community to make sure that it doesn’t.” said Tammy Gillies, Regional Director, San Diego ADL.
“STOP BULLYING:SPEAK UP uses the inspirational power of entertainment media to motivate young people, and the adults who care for them, to speak up safely and effectively when they see bullying happen,” said Alice Cahn, Cartoon Network vice president of social responsibility. “Working together, we can create a culture of kindness in our schools and communities.”
Cartoon Network’s Stop Bullying: Speak Up
Cartoon Network’s Stop Bullying: Speak Up is an award-winning, multi-platform pro-social campaign, created with experts in the field to raise awareness, build partnerships and empower young people to speak up against bullying safely and effectively. Campaign resources include video, print and online content—including an award-winning documentary introduced by President Barack Obama—available at StopBullyingSpeakUp.com, available at no charge to schools, community groups and parents to motivate bullying prevention activities or discussions.
United Nations Association
The United Nations Association of the United States of America is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to building understanding of and support for the ideals and vital work of the United Nations among American people.
Anti-Defamation League
ADL fight all forms of hatred and bigotry, whether based on religion, race, ethnic background, sexual orientation or other characteristics that can divide us. We are one of the leading providers of anti-bullying programs in the Southeast, where our No Place for Hate initiative has been adopted by more than 300 public, private and parochial schools in grades k thru 12. ADL is also the nation’s largest private trainer of federal, state and local law enforcement officers and works with law enforcement to identify extremist individuals and organizations.
The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network is a national education organization working to ensure safe schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. For more information, please see http://www.glsen.org
NOH8 Campaign
The NOH8 Campaign is a charitable organization in the United States whose mission is to promote marriage, gender and human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest.
International Bullying Prevention Association
The International Bullying Prevention Association supports and enhances quality research-based prevention principals and best practices in order to achieve safe school climates, healthy work environments, good citizenship and civic responsibility. For more information, please seehttp://www.stopbullyingworld.