I grew up LOVING Vincent Price classic Horror movies. I used to laugh, scream, recoil in horror and generally have lots of fun watching these movies! What’s your favorite Vincent Price Movie? I can never choose since I love all of them. I didn’t realize that he had a museum here in Los Angeles. It’s in Monteray Park so I’ll have to go check it out this fall! If your interested in visiting the Vincent Price museum please click on the following link Vincent Price Museum
Series: Price-a-thon 100!

Just in time for Halloween, LACMA will screen six ghoulish classics back-to-back, all starring Burton idol Vincent Price in honor of his centenary. Heir to a candy fortune, educated at Yale on art history and trained on the London stage, Price found his métier in fright features playing tormented masterminds and menacing lords. Starting with Andre de Doth’s House of Wax, in which Price plays an anguished sculptor with a ghastly secret, Price cemented his stature as a fixture of the macabre with Kurt Neumann’s still chilling The Fly. But, as David Thomson writes, Price “surveyed the horror genre as if it were a tray of eclairs.” Among Price’s gothic delicacies are several iconic Edgar Alan Poe adaptations directed by Roger Corman in lollipop colors and eye-filing CinemaScope and William Castle’s campy entertainment The Tingler. But there’s nothing funny about Price’s cold-blooded ruthlessness in cult film Witchfinder General, in which he stars as a small-town tyrant in 17th-century rural England. In addition to his nearly 200 film and television credits, Price was an avid art collector and connoisseur who launched The Vincent Price Art Collection with Sears Roebuck and in 1951 began donating items from his personal collection to the East Los Angeles Community College, where much of it hangs in the newly-redesigned Vincent Price Art Museum.
All Screenings | Free, no reservations