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Game of Thrones stop breaking my heart

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Don’t read until you watch S6 Episode 5 of Game of Thrones – The Door. This article is full of details from Season 6, Episode 5 of Game of Thrones,titled “The Door.”


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Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 6.59.04 PMWell we’ve finally really learned what happened to Hodor to make him the way he is and it’s simple heartbreaking. Hodor has always been the gentle giant who only says ‘Hodor’. I had always thought that Hodor was developmentally delayed. But watching as we see Hodor working with the horses and his mother who loved him . I blame Bran who AS USUAL decides he doesn’t have to listen to anyone (remember his back is broke because he ignored his mum telling him to stop climbing like a damned monkey in the forest!). The Three-Eyed Raven (Man von Sydow with the velvet voice and the tired eyes) had told Bran to NOT warg without him and don’t stay too long in the spirit world for fear of his being stuck. But of course Bran wants to escape the confines of the cave’s safe haven and return to Winterfeld to watch his dad as a kid. His decision to entertain himself as everyone else is sleeping is a avalanche that (I think) will have lasting effect since Winter is coming .. nope almost here if your saw all those damned White Walkers lurking outside. As we learn more about warging we see that Bran can affect the past despite the Three-Eyed Raven saying that time is written. I suspect that as the season progresses we will see more and more of Bran stumbling about wrecking havoc in the past and present if he and Meera Reed are able to escape the White Walkers hell bent on ripping them to shred. Yes those two got away after first the last of the Children of the Forest are killed after Bran is touched by the White Walker King allowing him to break the protection spell. Once the barrier is gone the White Walker army swarms the cave where my beloved Dire Wolf ‘Summer’ sacrifices herself to save her Bran (damn you GOT DAMN YOU TO HELL).

Now that we have surpassed the books we are all flying blind and have no idea what’s going on next. It’s why when we learn that HODOR is Hold the Door because (I think) Hodor has a premonition or his consciousness was put into the adult body holding back the White Walkers. It’s why he had the fit in the past it’s because he went from being safe at the keep to the middle of winter with monsters trying to break down the door. Who wouldn’t freak out??? Bran is an important key but must everyone die to protect a thoughtless boy who KEEPS ignoring advice??? Now I understand why he’d freeze with fear because he never knew his exact moment of death so was constantly jumping wondering ‘will I die now’? I’m missing Kristian Nairn the gently gay, DJ giant with the sweetest smile First rule of GOT love no one since they WILL die painfully!

Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 8.07.47 PMNow I have to talk about how GOT keeps casually killing off the direwolves! With Summer’s death we are down to two and I just can’t take another death of my beloved fuzzies. I’m HOPING that since we didn’t see Summer die she manages to survive despite being grievously wounded but that sure sounded like a death cry to me .

I was blown away by learning that humanity brought on the White Walkers themselves after Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 8.06.26 PMdecimating the land and Children of the Forest (echoes of pretty much any native people when Europeans and/or the Spanish arrive upon their shores). So on one hand they were wrong to create the White Walkers but on the other they had their backs against the wall. I do think they THOUGHT they would be able to control them but like Frankenstein’s monster once a creature has self awareness all bets are off. I think that’s why they hated the Children of the Forest for turning them into the undead White Walkers that want to take revenge upon ALL of the living!


I can only hope that Bran Stark finally grows up and stops being a bull in a china shop! I can only hope he took what little instruction the Three Eyed Raven was able to teach him to heart but now that we know he can affect the past it’s obvious he’s learning by doing (badly).

Out of all of the Stark’s I think that Sansa is one who is most adept at playing ‘The Game of Thrones’ and with a survival instinct that will have her do whatever is necessary. She’s already convinced Jon to gather an army to take back Winterfell, kill Ramsay Bolton and rescue their younger brother as well as realize that Brienne is the companion/guard/sage advisor she needs (and will likely ignore her advice but at least she listens). When she met Littlefinger I thought she was going to rip his neck out but playing the long game she decided his stepson’s (or his son) army might be of use so she held back after letting him know that ‘she sees him’ and won’t make the mistake of trusting him to protect her again. I think she will use his obsession to her advantage when the time is right but of course it’s a chess game where he’d betray her for his advantage AGAIN (asshole).

Now that Jon Snow has found himself alive after his untimely betrayal and murder by his black brethren can I say ‘AMEN’ they didn’t kill Ghost? I’m sure they wanted too but didn’t get a chance <phew>. I hope that who Sansa giving him the Stark embroidering that maybe he can be unbastard and be a real Stark (not that we know for SURE who his momma let alone daddy is!). I think that as he puts on the mantle we’ll finally learn more about his parentage with with Bran’s warging or from some other reveal. I can’t WAIT another year!

Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 8.12.35 PMI’m so feeling Brienne right now with that big red bearded wildling Tormund sending her some sexy eye and she’s not sure what to think about it. For one she’s busy protecting Sansa and for the other she’s not used to men looking at her with sexual desire. It can be quite disconcerting for someone to see you as a sexual being after you’ve had to suppress those desires. I do hope we see her and Tormund circle around each other as she tries to figure out his motivation (a roll in the hay, mutual respect, that he finds her beauty intoxicating???). He’s not the type of guy to have flowery words to seduce her mind and the longsword, armor and guarded heart might be too much for her wanna be wildling lover! Is it crazy that I want to write GOT fan fiction with this couple??? I promise to keep it PG13.

When is Arya coming back to Westeros? I’m happy she’s learning more fighting skills but it’s always so dark that I can barely make out any detail or tell what’s the point of her being in Braavos. I thought that at first she’d convince them to assassinate all her enemies but they do nothing for free. I suppose she could pay HERSELF but I don’t think she has the coin for such a big list of enemies!

Rounding out this episode we get to see Theon and Yara grapple for the Iron Islands throne but like all of the their victories it was snatched out of the reaching arms at the last minute this time by their scheming ne’er do well uncle (puck assed bitch throwing an old man over a bridge). At least they escaped the ‘murdering’ after their uncle was crowned and really Yara would make a better king than almost everyone now that she knows better than to try to rescue her sniveling brother again! Just the same Euron GreyJoy is NOT man enough for my girl Daenerys so that’s dead in the water also her hottie boyfriend would make shortwork of him so ‘bye Becky’.


As Tyrion and Varys try to navigate the political intrigue of Meereen inviting a Red Priestess (in my mind) a bloody BAD IDEA. Those women will burn your ass up ALIVE if they need to but hopefully it will just be Daenerys Stormborn’s enemies (she has a lot of the so keep the city warm).

At least the Khaleesi is heading back home with her own army! Once the Dragons forgiver her for locking them up, kill all the slaver in the area, leave her two trusted former slave advisors in charge of the region and gets the ships ready. I think next season will be a major fight with the Khaleesi heading to her ancestral home with an army from history. Burn baby burn ..


I trying to figure out who’s getting stabbed in the back when the young queen does the ultimate walk of shame. From the sneak it looks like blood will be shed just not WHO’S blood!

Now to mourn over the loss of Hodor and Summer <wahh>

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About Author

I live in Los Angeles and am a professional in the new media communication and marketing field with experience in non-profit, education, healthcare, political campaign and volunteer management. I’m a trustworthy honest creative professional that is able to offer strategic counseling on marketing & communications using social media. In my spare time I enjoy cultural events, going to the movies, being a foodie, getting in shape and dating.

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