Anyone planning to join me and eat their way across the country? I’m so excited to attend the Culinary Road Trip a Pop-Up dining experience from the great minds of Thrillist this weekend in Hollywood. Looking over the list of locations I’ve either lived or visited every region/city except for Portland! I think that my tastebuds will be flooded with memories from Geno’s Steaks in Philly (you HAVE to order with cheese whiz!) to Giordan’s in Chicago (my first experience with real Chi-Town deep dish – quite embarrassing really my friends and I were on spring break and ordered a pizza. It came to the table with nothing but tomato sauce and no cheese! I said to the waitress that we would like cheese with our pizza and she rolled her eyes and said ‘it’s CHICAGO style the cheese is on the bottom!’ tee hee so embarrassed ). So I can’t WAIT to try some old friends and make new taste memories!
Anyone want to join me for some taste memories this Saturday? Leave a note and let’s get our grub on!