Not too long ago I had the distinct pleasure of spending my day at two very different, but equally as informing, conventions around the LA area.

I started my day–after spending 20 minutes looking for parking–at the LA Convention Center for the 11th annual Dwell on Design show. While there, I was able to browse around and check out up and coming architecture, furniture, appliances, comforts, and much more, for the modern age.

I learned a lot about prefab housing from LivingHomes’ new spinoff Plant Prefab, and was even able to tour a few full-scale model houses. I also got to sit in the world’s most comfortable bean-bag chair from LoveSac, and get a massage from $8,000 god of a machine.

From interior decorators that can use your very own Pinterest boards to create your dream home–thanks Decorist– to wine racks specialized to your specifications, I have seen the future of housing, and I’m excited for more.
So after speaking with a few of the vendors and enjoying my second cup of coffee for the day, it was time to head out of DTLA and make my way to Pasadena for the 2nd annual Politicon Convention.
In only it’s second year, Politicon has firmly established itself as what Huffington Post calls “the Coachella of politics”. From Sarah Palin to 10-year old boys the line-up was extremely diverse.

I had the pleasure of sitting in on a panel about the legalization of weed with a great and lively group of debaters. Matt Ferner, Nicole Boxer, Jordan Carlos, Hal Sparks, and  John Ratzenberger were all great at making their respective arguments and respecting one another’s positions.

Next and sadly finally, I enjoyed a hilarious comedy show with the likes of Jay Pharoah
Darrell Hammond,  Al Madrigal, and Greg Proops Toure. All were perfect at keeping the audience laughing while still talking about social issues and the political climate of our country–no easy feat!

Eventually I had to say goodbye to my new friends at Politicon and make my way back home. And after 2o minutes of being lost in Pasadena, not able to find my car, I did just that.
Thank you to Cherry LA for letting me tag along on an amazing Sunday!