Pennyworth is a new television series premiering July 28th on Epix. The show follows a young Alfred Pennyworth, before becoming Batman’s butler.
Pennyworth is a 10-episode, hour-long drama series from Warner Horizon Scripted Television is based on DC characters created by Bob Kane with Bill Finger. It follows Bruce Wayne’s legendary butler, Alfred Pennyworth (Jack Bannon), a former British SAS soldier in his 20s, who forms a security company and goes to work with a young billionaire Thomas Wayne (Ben Aldridge), who’s not yet Bruce’s father, in 1960s London.
The Experience
Upon entering the Oxford Social Club through coat check, visitors will immediately be transported back in time to 1960’s London – 13 degrees off – and immersed into the world of Pennyworth. Those clever enough to uncover the secret password will be granted entry into The Scarlet Rope, a high-society lounge filled with gambling, drag performances and sounds from a 1960’s band, where the journey begins.
Within the lounge, guests can play a hand of black jack, take a picture with a glittering cabaret dancer and enjoy the live entertainment before heading to the Library where butlers will be on hand. Members of the mysterious Raven Society will be roaming throughout the space, trying to convert anyone who listens by enticing them with gifts and showing off the more luxurious aspects of membership. Behind the Library, guests will discover the Raven Society Headquarters in which they can unearth some of the mystery behind the organization while listening to a live macabre poetry reading. After taking in the more posh aspects of the Raven Society, visitors will then be led into the Dungeon where the darker, more unpleasant elements of the association will be revealed.
The Pennyworth experience is located in the Oxford Social Club at the Pendry San Diego, found at 435 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101. Opening hours:
- July 18: 11am – 5pm
- July 19: 10am – 7pm
- July 20: 10am – 7pm
This activation sounds absolutely AMAZING!!! The experience begins with a challenge and for those that figure out the correct password, will be admitted entrance into the Social Club.