Are you looking for the wrong attributes when seeking love?
I’m a huge romantic and believe that everyone is seeking someone to love. But they also have to remember that love is a two way street. You have to give and receive love to make sure it works. I know so many people who say they want to be “IN” love with no mention of being loving to someone else. Love is selfish or self centered it’s free and floating … like air. You don’t think about it but it’s necessary to live and just like air we don’t think about what’s important in finding the person who’s perfect for you.
Instead we get caught up looking for the perfect person and in our minds the perfect person has a number of shallow attributes we dream of. Everything from being rich, successful, having a fancy car, a big house, handsome, beautiful, tall, thin, big boobs and other things that will not guarantee a happy loving relationship. So often than not people overlook the perfect match because they don’t fit their arbitrary requirements.
Or the fall into the other trap of saying that they are going to ‘settle’. Well who wants to be the other half of a couple where one person thinks they are better than their mate??? Nobody does but the ‘superior’ half of the couple keeps that mean thought to themselves.
So the next time you meet someone keep an open mind. Just don’t dismiss them because they don’t fit your fantasy mate. You might realize that the imperfect person you met is PERFECT for you!
So keep looking for love since love is LOOKING for you!
Great post !! I totally agree, your perfect match just might be someone you could not imagine. Your total opposite even, and then come to find out you were more alike then you ever thought you could be. I think the differences can be some of the best parts of someone. The things you can learn or teach each other, definitely makes for an interesting journey !!