Teen elf rebellion takes a dark turn but will the Claus’ save the day with a little help from friends?
It’s been two years and the Claus’s have been busy with the elves making sure Christmas is magical every year! But like many sometimes they feel a little twinge about what might have been. Chris Columbus (Home Alone, Harry Potter) wrote and directed the film with a sexy Santa (Kurt Russell) and Mrs. Claus (Goldie Hawn) that sprinkled lots of sugar and spice for a fun family-friendly romp from Boston to Mexico to the North Pole as we all learn the meaning of family.
The Christmas Chronicles 2: It’s been two years and the family is changing after the loss of their father/husband in a tragic firefighter accident. Claire’s (Kimberly Williams-Paisley) boyfriend Bob (Tyrese Gibson) has taken Kate (Darby Camp) & Teddy Pierce (Judah Lewis) and his own son Jack (Jahzir Bruno) for a Cancun Christmas and well Kate is NOT having it. She goes full-blown rebellious teenager angry as heck and worried everyone is forgetting her dad Doug (Oliver Hudson). While the hormone monster has Kate rampaging at the nice resort her brother Teddy is happy for his mom while Jack who is missing his own mom tries to be friends with his new maybe siblings. As the drama bomb goes off in Cancun the North Pole is dealing with one naughty Belsnickel (Julian Dennison) the elf that has a bone to pick with Santa <eek> and wants to replace him with his own operation. It’s a lot of teen angst, lack of communication, and singing (in case you forget Kurt can sing and has some smooth dance moves).

I have a weakness for a candy color holiday movie that will melt a grinch heart. The sequel takes all the things that worked in the first film and sprinkles a little ‘home alone’ as our kids once again are out to save Santa, Christmas and the North Pole.
I saw this before and will say it again Sexy Santa is my favorite Santa because that twinkle in Kurt Russell’s eyes brings to mind why I love him in movies. He just connects as if he’s looking through the screen directly in our eyes. When you add in Mrs. Claus (Goldie Hawn) you get a couple that really work well together with a chemistry that explains how it’s not just being a believer keeps the magic going.

Chris Columbus worked to expand the lore in the film with not only new elves but also the ‘rules’ they follow. Belsnickel was quite a scamp who’s rebellion because he didn’t feel special and his contributions ignored will speak to kids and adults. Hopefully spark a conversation as the family gets together or practice social distancing with Zoom holidays about the importance of using our words and listening.
I found the Christmas Chronicles 2 to be sweet, fun, and has a good message wrapped up in a bow for what makes a family. The computer-generated effects, creatures, and fight scenes looked good but a few scenes might be upsetting to some kids. It will keep children and adults engaged with a fun story because we all need love.
The Christmas Chronicles 2 releases in the USA on November 25, 2020 at 12:00 AM PST
Cast: Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Julian Dennison, Darby Camp, Jahzir Bruno, Judah Lewis, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Tyrese Gibson
Running Time: 1h 52min
Adventure, Comedy, Family