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Cancer Musing: Astrology GIFS for the Week of December 21, 2015

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Well call my crazy but after being in a major funk for the past few weeks with major ups and downs I feel as if 2015 should end on a major high note! I mean gosh how can I not be happy after all the trials and tribulations with the Macbook Pro I got at Fry’s Electronics last November was finally replaced by Apple <sigh>. I still can’t believe that the nice customer service woman listened to all my issues and read the reports of having to send it to get repaired twice, loss of photos/videos and just glitches was able to get approval for the store to switch it out. It felt as if heaven noticed that I was losing my grip and tossed a lifeline! Having the new computer has really gotten my creative juices flowing so I’ve been trying to write more often for my blog between sending out resumes for jobs that I’d like to have. I’m sad that I haven’t gotten any offers but am pleased at the response and opportunity to interview (realize I’m super rusty).

I’m just going to spend the last few weeks of December evaluating what I want to do with my life. I’ve sent out to the universe that I’m open to change! If that means packing up and moving for a new opportunity .. well I have boxes! If it means moving to a new field .. well I have the know how.

I’m ready for my new life so BRING IT!


Cancer (June 21–July 21)

This Friday’s full moon in your sign could have you feeling quite satisfied and full, too. Trust your optimism. With liberating Uranus moving forward in the sector of stars reserved for your career, you have every reason to believe that positive changes are afoot with your job and how you advance in your field of choice. So allow your shoulders to relax, and let yourself settle into a delightful puddle of comfort. It looks like you’ll have many opportunities to be on the go soon.

About Author

I live in Los Angeles and am a professional in the new media communication and marketing field with experience in non-profit, education, healthcare, political campaign and volunteer management. I’m a trustworthy honest creative professional that is able to offer strategic counseling on marketing & communications using social media. In my spare time I enjoy cultural events, going to the movies, being a foodie, getting in shape and dating.

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