Angie Tribeca premiered in January on TBS with a season marathon. The 10 episode and 25-hour debut to quote the cast was their network’s way to out binge the ultimate binger of guilty pleasures, Netflix. With a long list of celebrity guests on the show including Bill Murray, James Franco, and Lisa Kudrow, the show surely has a lot of people talking.
I had the pleasure of spending my night with the cast and executive producer of the critically acclaimed and brilliantly witty cop show parody at the Paley Center for Media.
Before the cast was introduced, our host for the evening, Deadline’s Dominic, gave us a surprise screening of the season 2 premiere not scheduled to air until June! Though I can’t give any hints or details away about the next episode, the audience was in a unanimous laughter. It didn’t disappoint!
The cast spoke on how they felt about the swift debut of all episodes at once to which Rashida Jones (title character “Angie Tribeca”) responded that it scared her.
They were also asked about all that went into the show. They commented on how their show is filmed in the same way that a crime show is filmed so they have to slip jokes in their show instead of making them over the top. It’s difficult to think about having the audience miss a joke, because of all that goes into many of their jokes. As Hayes MacArthur (“Jay Geils”) commented, sometimes the actors may have to go through 4 hours of makeup for a 5-second joke. Or as the executive producer, Ira Ungerleider, added the cast will have to spend days rehearsing for a dance skit or action sequence that last for all of a couple seconds on our TV screens.
All in all, it was a great night. It was amazing learning what actually went into everyone’s new favorite comedy, and hearing the cast’s and producer’s thoughts.
Liya Douglas