Here Are The Young Men, based on the acclaimed 2003 novel by Rob Doyle, chronicles the last hurrah of three high school graduates intent on celebrating their newfound freedom with an epic, debaucherous bender. However, when a horrible accident sends them spiraling, the trio must grapple with most daunting challenge of their lives: facing their own inner demons.
Writer/director Eoin Macken sat down with Cherry the Geek TV to discuss the film, the talented young cast, the book, the film’s fantastic A+ soundtrack, and more.
The film stars a who’s who of Irish talent– Dean-Charles Chapman (1917, Game of Thrones), Anya-Taylor Joy (The Queen’s Gambit, Split, The New Mutants), Finn Cole (Peaky Blinders, Animal Kingdom), Ferdia Walsh-Peelo (Sing Street, Vikings), Travis Fimmel (Raised By Wolves, Vikings), and Conieth Hill (Game of Thrones).
Here Are The Young Men is now available to purchase or rent on all digital platforms. The film is from Well Go USA Entertainment.